Chinese Storytelling Research Database 
Stories written for performance and reading in the genre:
Hangzhou storytelling
Hangzhou pinghua

(52) Di yi hui: Toupingju Wen Kang mai jiu, Jingyanggang Wu Song da hu, Di er hui: Chu menghu haohan li wei ming, ji changjie Dalang shou zhiru
第一回﹕透瓶居文康賣酒 景陽岡武松打虎 第二回﹕除猛虎好漢立威名﹐擠長街大郎受恥辱

Chapter One: Wen Kang Sells Wine in the Tavern of Flavour through the Bottle, Wu Song Fights a Tiger on Jingyang Ridge Chapter Two: Subduing the fierce tiger a good fellow makes his name, In the crowded street Wu the Elder is insulted
Wu Song yanyi The Romance of Wu Song
Liu Caonan, Mao Saiyun 劉操南﹐ 茅賽云 Published by Zhejiang renmin chubanshe No place 1980
Modern Print

Found: 1